AI Data

Assessing AI data to prepare

for AI enterprise initiatives

GIGO is a well-known term in IT and computer sciences: it means the quality of output is determined by the quality of the input. Or, more bluntly, and especially with regards to data, “garbage in, garbage out.”

Becoming an early adopter of artificial intelligence AI that is scalable and enterprise-wide requires preparation. The clearest path to measurable success is planning. And the first step is assessing the data you’ll be using for your AI initiatives.

We will help you identify your data assets, evaluate the quality of the data and determine whether there is enough data to support your AI use cases. We can help you prepare and take action quickly so that your employees, customers and other stakeholders will benefit from your AI enterprise initiatives.

How we can help you get prepared now

AI readiness assessments should include all of your enterprise data and content:

  • A focus on data management and preparation will allow for accelerated and scalable AI use cases.  
  • A readiness assessment will help you proactively address data issues before starting your AI initiatives.  
  • Employees and customer trust will be maintained thanks to having the right data sets in place to support new initiatives in an efficient and timely manner.

Our experienced team of strategists, software developers and knowledge managers can help you prepare an AI readiness assessment now.


We’ll help you identify and catalog all the available data sources within your organization, including their location, format and ownership.


From the data inventory, we'll gain a better understanding of your data assets and determine what is of value and relevance to your AI initiatives.


A data volume assessment will identify any gaps in your data sets and determine whether you need to collect additional data to support your AI use cases.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us to start your AI data assessment now.